Thursday, July 20, 2006
The Anger.
In our darkest hour if we'll only come to him, he will lead us down the path of righteousness. I learned that the hard way. The Devil loves to make me forget with distractions, but Jesus prevails every time!! Praise God.
Monday, July 17, 2006
How it all Started....
I was so close to God we would go on walks and I would talk with him every day, it was great. I, however was very lonely. So about 6 months after Kali was born I met my husband and his daughter Madison(she's the one holding the baby, our son together.)
I thought everything was good until a dark past began to surface and Jesus began to show me just how hurt I was. I began to feel rage that I had no idea where it had come from. I felt guilty, ashamed and so unworthy. I had great fear of something happening again, and I had no trust in God. I always put the molestations off by telling myself. "It happens to all girls", or "it's not a big deal'. I had no idea what had really happened to me. My soul I was hurt and I was hurt bad. Over these last few years I have found out so many lies the enemy has led me to believe, and our lord Jesus has abolished them with the truth. I hope this blog, my life, will help you to heal too. I am not fully healed, but I've come along way!!! I hope you can too! God bless all!
P.S. Come visit me at Sweet Love to get to know me better.
Sunday, July 16, 2006
A short version of my testimony.
It started when I was two, I was molested, then again at 6,7, 8, and 9. I was in a realationship with a guy for 3 years who was emotionally, physically and sexually abusive. He raped me at the end of that relationship. Then I was raped again less then a year later by a stranger. This is the blunt of my testimony. Not all but the blunt. I will go into more detail in later blogs.
So needless to say I know about hurt and a lot about healing. So this blog will be kind of my journal of my journey through healing.