Thursday, September 21, 2006

Blessed By a Blogger

I am more than blessed by Melanie's blog. She blesses me in real life as well. We have prayed together for a few years now and I have to say I really love her compassion for others. She is a dedicated wife, mommy, sibling, and daughter. I admire her devotion to family. Here is a snipit from her blog:

have you ever had one of those people in your life who never pounded their beliefs in you. who never criticized you for who you were, but gently loved you and showed you what it meant to be a follower of Jesus Christ? someone who silently sacrificed of themselves for your good. someone who truly loved you even when you have been unloveable? someone who prayed for you when you didn't know how to pray for yourself. someone who planted tiny seeds in a hard and broken heart?i have been privileged to. happy birthday to my sister michelle. generations will be blessed because of your pursuit of His glory. i love you much.

I hope you love her as much as I do!!

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

In Other Words

"No distinction was made between the sacred and the everyday...Their life was all one piece. It was all sacred and all ordinary."

~ Sue Bender ~ author of Plain and Simple

This is neat. I am currently doing a bible study, ironically on Tuesday mornings, and we were talking about just this thing. I am blessed to have quite a few older women in my study. They were talking about how even when your changing diapers, doing dishes, cooking a meal that it should be done as unto the Lord.

One of the women, who I love so dearly, is in here late 60's, I would imagine, spoke of how when we do things unto the Lord, it's like riding a bike, it takes practice. If we fall on a bike we get back up until we can ride, just like that when we strive to be like Christ we must practice until we are like him. It was encouraging to hear older women who have been where I am speak about the process of practicing to be like Christ.

Friday, September 08, 2006


I'd have to say one of the many websites I've been blessed by has been a lady I know personally. She mixes laughter with seriousness. She's a wonderful person and a wonderfull Mommy. I love the way she deals with her six children and has a lighthearted take on life.Here's her latest blog:

"It took a lot of guts for me to post yesterday's photo. Number one: who takes a picture of the things their kids draw on the house? And number two: I didn't realize how many grubby little finger prints there were on my front door until I picked up my photos. Needless to say, that very afternoon I was out there scrubbing away. Our front door almost sparkles now and sadly the doorman is gone. Mr. Clean Magic eraser knocked him right out. He will forever live on in our family photo album. I wonder if he is in doodle heaven with the legion of crayon and pencil people that have been graffitied on our walls the past eleven years?Also, I bought Caedmon and Jack some plastic swords at the store today. It was a momentary lapse in judgment that I hope will not cause any of their sibling serious bodily harm. Until today they were using sticks found in the back yard as their weapons of choice, so this is a bit of an improvement on the safety level, I hope. *crossing my fingers*And for the record Gemma's most recent words are "watch this", and then she performs an amazing stunt like climbing onto the kitchen table or dancing the special little dance she does with a twinkle in her eye. Really, all it involves is an Elvis style twist of the hips but it sure makes us all smile. Right now she is emptying the clean folded clothes out of all of our laundry baskets, another special talent she possesses. I guess that's my cue to hit the Publish Post button"

You can visit Heth Under the laundry pile!

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

I don't know if anyone reads this, but I'm going to keep it up anyways. I wanted to talk about the only way to recieve healing. It is (as the photograph describes) to leave the world behind and take hold of Christ. For example: My anger. You see I had all this built up anger from my past right. So before began to seek God for help I would find excuses for being angry, instead of finding the root problem. Like if I were angry with the kids I'd blame them, "if so and so would just behave I wouldn't be so angry or if I were angry with Jeremy I'd blame him, "If you would just stop watching tv so much I wouldn't have this problem;" That was easy, because I never got to the root of the problem. Then, I can't tell you exactly when, but I stopped making excuses and began to seek help. I began to realize that it was never them, but something inside of me that was raging out of control. Once I left the world's way's behind, or my own fleshly desires behind, I began to see the cross more clearly. I began to understand I was hurting and that I was going to have to deal with my hurt once in for all. Alchol wasn't going to do it, drugs weren't going to do it, sleeping all day wasn't going to do it, but god, God was going to fix it. I I just had to accept that being angry with my husband and children now for the things that happened in the past were not acceptable, and are not acceptable. Do I still get angry?? Yes I do. But nothing like it used to be. As the lord Jesus heals me, the rage has gone completely. I still get angry, more frustrated than angry, but now if it is unjustified I am quick to apologize and to seek the Lord for answers. I pray you to will lay aside your own feelings to pick up the cross tonight. God Bless you all. Brenda