Tuesday, September 19, 2006

In Other Words

"No distinction was made between the sacred and the everyday...Their life was all one piece. It was all sacred and all ordinary."

~ Sue Bender ~ author of Plain and Simple

This is neat. I am currently doing a bible study, ironically on Tuesday mornings, and we were talking about just this thing. I am blessed to have quite a few older women in my study. They were talking about how even when your changing diapers, doing dishes, cooking a meal that it should be done as unto the Lord.

One of the women, who I love so dearly, is in here late 60's, I would imagine, spoke of how when we do things unto the Lord, it's like riding a bike, it takes practice. If we fall on a bike we get back up until we can ride, just like that when we strive to be like Christ we must practice until we are like him. It was encouraging to hear older women who have been where I am speak about the process of practicing to be like Christ.

1 comment:

Amie said...

Love it - thank you.